Geometry: A Conversation with Euclid
An intersection of performance art and mathematics
Using cyr wheel as the medium to explore different concepts in geometry, “Geometry” touches on different mathematical concepts as we reimagine how to conceptualize math in a performance setting. Created with all types of audience members in mind, “Geometry: A Conversation with Euclid” has something for everyone no matter their knowledge or interest in mathematics. Whether you're a professional mathematician or an amateur, a student or teacher, or someone who just enjoys circus, we welcome you to explore with us as we share our story with you.
Geometry is the story of a girl as she falls in love with geometry. One summer during primary school, she finds a book that introduces her to geometry. Through “conversations” with Euclid, the father of geometry, she learns to draw and manipulate shapes and grows to love the topic. Despite her enthusiasm, in high school she finds herself struggling in geometry class, a class that she thought she’d love. After doing poorly on another test, she has a meltdown and re-evaluates her love for the subject. Once again, she finds herself talking to Euclid, but this time about her frustrations with geometry. She returns to the book that initially sparked her interest in geometry and re-discovers her passion. In the last act, we meet her in college where she’s a junior trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life. Talking with her professor, she explains why she initially fell in love with mathematics and geometry. Here we see how far she’s come. The culmination of her passion, from her first encounter with a geometry book to pursuing a degree in the subject, we say goodbye to her as she carves her path in life.